What To Expect When You Come

To Worship at First Baptist

1. A Friendly Welcome - We are eager to worship with you and get to know you!  If it's your first time visiting, please fill out a connection card.  You can also be added to our email list and stay up-to-date on events and services happening throughout the year.  Also, be sure to pick up a welcome packet as you enter or leave the service.  


2. Masking - It is our desire to show love to our neighbors by doing our part to prevent the spread of germs.  Masks are optional in our worship space based on your comfort level.


3. Worshipful Music - The organist and pianist provide beautiful music throughout the service.  We have an adult choir, children's choir and handbell choir as well.  You will have an opportunity to enjoy each of them on different sundays throughout the month. 


4. Safe Handling Practices - On Communion Sundays, single-serve Communion packets are used.  There are hand sanitizer stations located throughout the building.  The sanctuary is cleaned and sanitized weekly.  We are doing out best to ensure everyone is able to worship in a safe environment.  


5. True Worship Experience - Most of all, you can expect a meaningful worship experience at First Baptist.  Through music, prayer, Scripture and the message, every element of the service points to our Savior.  We pray that you feel at home and in the presence of the Lord from the moment you enter until the moment you leave.