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Children's Sunday School


"We are thankful for the hearts and minds of the children entrusted to us. We take seriously the Scriptural direction in Ephesians 6:4 to "bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord."

CHILDREN'S SUNDAY SCHOOL - K thru 8th Grade gather in the Church Sanctuary 11:00 a.m., and after a "Moment with the Children," go to their individual classrooms. The Christian Education Program involves ACTIVE LEARNING THAT DOESN'T FEEL LIKE REGULAR SCHOOL AND PROMOTES CHRISTIAN VALUES AND SHARING JESUS CHRIST.

BAPTIST YOUTH FELLOWSHIP - K thru 5th Grade meets once a month in the Social Hall. Many activities are planned which help the children experience their faith in fun and meaningful ways.

In May 2005 the First Annual Family Appreciation Dinner was held. The youth made decorations, prepared a game and food for the special occasion. Each child invited their parents and siblings for an afternoon of fellowship and fun. It was a success and "Kids for Christ" look forward to doing this dinner every year to honor their fathers and mothers and families.

Meeting dates in early 2007 will be:
   Sunday, January 28 @ 4 pm - Social Hall
   Sunday, February 18 @ 4 pm - Social Hall
   Sunday, March 21 @ 4 pm - Social Hall (Family Appreciation Dinner)

On January 28, the "Kids for Christ" fellowship group will be working on designing Easter Cards. There will be a Bible lesson, light snacks and games.

On February 18th, Easter Cards will be finished. These cards will be offered to the congregation for a donation and proceeds used for Family Appreciation Dinner.

For our Sunday, March 21 Family Appreciation Dinner, kids come to the Social Hall at 4 pm and families at 5 pm.

Memory Verse for January: "He existed in the beginning with God. God created everything through Him, and nothing was created except through Him." John 1:2-3

If you would like to contact Miss Hope, who leads "Kids for Christ," please call the church office at 856-429-2326 and give the church secretary your name and number.
Miss Hope will be happy to call you back.


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