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The Rev. Dr. Michael J. Feicht

Dear members and Friends,

In November, we had the privilege of hosting the Bethlehem Bible College in our church. Thirty Palestinian
students sang hymns and praises to Jesus Christ.  The concert was very well accepted.  The short stay in
the homes of our congregation gave us an opportunity to get to know the students and personally welcome
them. As always, our Congregation received our Christian visitors with open arms and an open heart.

Here is a quote from the college: The Bethlehem Bible College is an interdenominational Christian College,
which seeks to train and prepare Christian servant leaders for the churches and society.  They wish to be a
model, in an Arab context, of Christ centeredness, Godly humility, biblical wholeness, creative mercy and
justice in their jobs and ministries as life-long learners.
As I write this message, I look forward to my visit to the College to teach English as a Second Language.
The four weeks I am away on assignment from International Ministries, ABC-USA, will come from my three
week mission allotment from First Baptist and our denomination, and one week from my personal vacation
time. I am grateful for your strong support of prayers and interest, as we grow in our understanding of a
Christian witness in the Middle East.  

I look forward to keeping in touch by weekly email, which will be published in the bulletin. I will not have an
easy assignment, but I feel my short annual mission visits come as a call from the Lord. I ask for your continued
prayers throughout my time away.

I look forward to returning home to share the mission experience with you. And I appreciate the ministers,
Rev. Vernl Mattson and Rev. Robert Santilli, of our American Baptist Churches of America-USA, who will
be available should a need arise. Simply call Ginny at the Church office and she will put you in touch with a

Again, I thank you for your prayers and support for me and my family.

In hope an confidence,


The Rev. Dr. Michael J. Feicht

Dr. Feicht serves as Special Assistant for Middle East Affairs
International Ministries, ABC-USA


�The surest sign that we have received a spiritual understanding of God�s love for us is the appreciation of our own spiritual poverty in the light of His infinite mercy.

�We must love our own poverty as Jesus loves it. It is so valuable to Him that he died on the Cross to present our poverty to His Father, and endow us with the riches of His own infinite mercy.�   

Thoughts in Solitude by Thomas Merton





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