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Word from the Pastor

"We seek to be a community of be a people in touch with our Lord Jesus Christ and our world."

- The Rev. Dr. Michael J. Feicht


The Ministries of First Baptist Church*

bulletWorship and Praise
bulletChristian Education
bulletWomen's Friendship Groups
bulletKid Stuff:  children's ministries
bulletTeen Page:  teen programs
bulletCommunity Service:  volunteer opportunities
bulletGlobal Partners:  service opportunities around the world


Start a new tradition...Read through the Bible this year!

All men are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field; the grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of the Lord stands forever. 

                                   Isaiah 40: 6  - 8; & 1 Peter 1: 24 - 25


Recent events are stark reminders that we need to understand our world in order to be winsome, persuasive, and effective witnesses to the Gospel of Christ.  It is important that Christians know how to process history.  We need to be like the men of Isaachar "who understood their times and what God would have them to do.  (1 Chronicles 12:32).  We need to be thoroughly grounded in a proper understanding and application of God's Word.

We also need to be students of the world's ideologies.  We must not hold to illusions about this world.  It does not offer us safety, security, or hope.  That comes only from our Triune God.

For all this to happen, we need to read God's letter to us...the Bible.

You can read the Bible in 80 hours! That comes to about 10 - 15 minutes a day.  Over the years, familiar stories have become more meaningful because with each reading, the Spirit reveals something previously missed (Did you know that God is not mentioned at all in the book of Esther, and yet you see His hand in every event?).

Start a new tradition...pick up a Bible Reading Schedule from the table in the back of the sanctuary (or call the office and we'll send you one) and read through the Bible this year....Or you can do your Bible reading on line!  (See below.)

Consider starting the New Year with a commitment to read the Bible!

The daily devotional guide, "Our Daily Bread" includes The Bible in One Year which offers daily scripture passages from Old and New Testaments in a variety of translations.

Jesus taught us to pray!

The Lord's Prayer which Jesus taught us helps keep our life centered on Him.  Enjoy this beautiful on-line presentation of the The Lord's Prayer .





*See Calendar and Upcoming Events for more information.



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